Monday, November 20, 2017

T Stands For Thankful

Today I am giving thanks for the small, as well as the large blessings in my life.

The small things include these cookies I purchased to serve to my friends on Thanksgiving

and the glass of eggnog I can only get this time of year.   I put out two cookies so I could share them with you.  I have more, so please help yourself.

I think other small things I'm grateful for include the pumpkins I purchased to decorate my dining room table for this thankful day.

The large things I'm grateful for include my friends, both virtual and personal, my health, my two stress reducing cats, and my good fortune of owning a home I really love.

So, as we share a glass or cup or mug of happiness and thankfulness today, 

I want to say how grateful I am that you are joining me in this festive time.  I know many of you are my international friends and don't celebrate this strictly U.S. holiday.  But that doesn't make me any less grateful for you and the constant support you give me each day, whether you are an avid responder or a silent visitor.

It's now time to raise my glass of eggnog, appreciate my friends, followers, and visitors, and wish you the happiest T Day and Thanksgiving on Thursday.  

After seeing all these photos, I really wish I had ironed this before I placed it on the table. 

 Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, teabags, scrapbooking, or any other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink. Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.  Obviously old photos are acceptable because they may be taken and shown any time.

Bleubeard, Squiggles, and I wish you a happy T Stands For Tuesday.  If I don't "see" you before Thanksgiving, we wish you a day filled with joy, gratitude, and happiness.

This is Day 21 of AEDM and I created a link-up party that is drink inspired.  Please feel free to join us any Tuesday.

32 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Your Thanksgiving table with the beautiful pumpkins looks great, and I will gladly try one of your cookies! We all have a lot to be thankful for, even though we don't always realise it. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

johanna said... 2

i´m raising my glass to your´s... you really mentioned the things we can be thankful for! esp. including these international Blogging friendships. i really appreciate this! thanks so much for being such a great Hostess to this weekly Event:) xox

nanskidrewski said... 3

such a beautiful post, Elizabeth! I love it. Thankful for you and all your wonderful posts, among my many blessings. Happy T day!

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 4

What a beautiful post, Elizabeth. That orange bumpy gourd is really eye-catching. In fact, this is a beautiful series of photos today. Thank you for the yummy cookie too.

Happy T-day and Happy Thanksgiving. You're on my list of things to be thankful for as well. Hugs, Eileen

CJ Kennedy said... 5

Your table setting looks so charming. Your stemware and table linens are so pretty. Thank you for hosting the T Stands For. I'm so glad I "found" you and really enjoy this meme. Happy Thanksgiving to you. Cuddles and headbutts to the boys. =^..^=

jinxxxygirl said... 6

Happy Thanksgiving to you too Elizabeth and give your two stress relievers a big hug too... Love those bumpety pumpkins on your I try not to drink eggnog until closer to Christmas.. its a Christmas treat for me... But i'll certainly have one or ... two or ... three of your cookies :) Happy t day! Hugs! deb

Vicki Miller said... 7

I love all our decorations, the turkey on the cloth and especially the beautiful pumpkins!

Meggymay said... 8

Your Thanksgiving table looks very welcoming and I would gladly join you for a delicious cookie. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and home with us today.
The pumpkins are majestic in shape and size and are bound to be a talking point when folk see them
You are so right with what you said in the post, we should be thankful for what we have and cherish the things that are meaningful to us.
I thank you for the friendship I have found here on your special blog, it means a lot to me.
Thanksgiving and T day wishes Elizabeth and to Bleubeard and Squiggles as well.
Yvonne xx

Lisca said... 9

Yes, I did know it was Thanksgiving in the US as It is marked on my calendar. I have a calendar from Denthe, the artist hanging up on my wall.
That you for sharing the cookies. I'd gladly have one. They look very yummy, but also because they are orange. That is the Dutch national colour.
I like the little still life you have created there. The pumpkins are very decorative.
I love that table cloth even though it is not ironed. It looks hand woven. Very special.
I wish you a very blessed Thanksgiving. And i am glad you have so much to be thankful about.
Happy T-Day,

Let's Art Journal said... 10

Happy Thanksgiving and I'm sure to enjoy the cookie and eggnog - yum! Your table setting looks lovely with the beautiful table linens and pumpkins 😁. I'm always thankful that you take the time and energy to host T Stands For Tuesday each week, thanks for your kindness and wishing you the happiest T Day and Thanksgiving on Thursday too! J 😊

My name is Erika. said... 11

I think this is a touching post and makes me wish I'd done more of a Thanksgiving themed post. I think your cookies look delicious and your table is going to be very festive. Those pumpkins make a great decoration. My Thanksgiving is going to be very small this year, just me and the hubby. I am excited for low key though. And I love your folded table runner. It's really quite fall and festive. :) I hope you have a fantastic holiday and have fun with your friends. :) Hugs-Erika

Anonymous said... 12

So grateful for my all around the world friends. While we battle ever nosey online snoops, we wouldn't be able to have so many "friends" from faraway places without our internet connections. I am grateful for all of them, for your constant visits and for all my close by friends too. As adults we have a larger family because of them. And of course for my hubby, and all those canine fluff balls that fill my life! Enjoy Thanksgiving. I know I will too with family and some friends. xox

Rita said... 13

A very happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Elizabeth. :)

Marfi-topia said... 14

I love those cookies! your table looks very inviting.
Such sweet looking pumpkins:)
I hope you, squiggles and Bleubeard have a wonderful, warm Thanksgiving also.
big hugs to you!!

Denise Price said... 15

Happy (Early) Thanksgiving!!! I am thankful that you host this lovely T-day gathering each week.

Your table setting, cookies, and eggnog look wonderful. Yum, I was just thinking about eggnog the other day, but I have not seen it in stores here yet. I'm sure you and your guests will enjoy it. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

pearshapedcrafting said... 16

I have been thinking a lot about you recently Elizabeth and your friendship and kindness! Yes, we do have so much to be thankful for! Now, I will pass on the cookies, but I would love that warty pumpkin - the postage would be too much, it may be cheaper to come and collect - grin!!! Your table looks wonderful! I will save saying 'Happy Thanksgiving' until Thursday! Hugs, Chrisx

Linda Kunsman said... 17

what a beautiful post of photos and sentiment Elizabeth. A warm and inviting table setting.
Thank you for sharing so many of your talents and comforts on your blog. How wonderful to have this platform to connect with people everywhere. Happy T day, and a happy Thanksgiving too!

RO said... 18

What a wonderful post, and a great reminder for us to be thankful for even small things that happen in our lives. I'm helping myself to a colorful cookie which is perfect right now. I agree that meeting new friends, sharing memories with old friends and family are what makes the world a much better place. Happy Thanksgiving! Hugs...RO

Halle said... 19

Happiest of Thanksgivings to you my friend. Love the lumpy, bumpy pumpkins. My kiddos would certainly join you for cookies and nog. One would enjoy each. :)
I'd raise a glass of nog with you as well!
Happy T day!!!

Carol said... 20

Lovely post!!!! We all have so muck more to be Thankful for than we often realize. Wishing you a peaceful and wonderful Thanksgiving and THANK YOU for making this event happen every week!

NatureFootstep said... 21

thankful and drink? Not my cup of tea today I think. A gloomy day and the car not OK :( SORRY!

Lisca said... 22

Thank you for your kind wishes Elizabeth. I hope you get your keyboard sorted out soon.
Many blessings,

froebelsternchen said... 23

Happy T-Day and Thanksgiving Elizabeth!
I am grateful for your friendship!♥♥♥
What a beautiful post!
oxo Susi

kathyinozarks said... 24

Such a beautiful post
Happy Thanksgiving

Nancy said... 25

What a lovely post- and lovely table setting! Those pumpkins were the right picks- the colors and lumpy texture are so pleasing. Enjoy your Thanksgiving! And I know you'll be grateful also when your keyboard stops acting up! Thanks for visiting my blog, too.

Divers and Sundry said... 26

What a lovely setting! I enjoy seasonal table decorations :) The cookies look tasty, thx. said... 27

Happy Thanksgiving to you -- and, like you, i love celebrating the small pleasures in life. The pumpkins (or gourds?) look great and I had a cookie.

Dianne said... 28

wow, you just can't beat nature for beauty and amazing form...those pumpkins are wonderful! what a challenge it would be to draw all those little bumps and color variations. love the tiny embroidered sweet. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving as well! don't work too hard getting the feast ready...enjoy your friends! hugs from Ohio ♥ and thanks for the cookie!! ;)

kaybee said... 29

Thank you for the cookies Elizabeth! Scrumptious! and Happy Thanksgiving.

Darla said... 30

This is a wonderful post Elizabeth. I'm sorry I didn't make it with a tea post today but I'm here this evening and happy to be so. There are many things I'm thankful for , not the least of which is having you as a friend. It's been awhile hasn't it? Glad you got the mail :-)

Jeanie said... 31

I want those Thanksgiving cookies. They look FABULOUS!

Happy Day! And thanks for your comment -- I hope your computer is getting its act together!

John said... 32

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